Tuesday, 30 August 2016

An Oath I swore

Apartheid Apologist I am not

When I was a young man one thing that haunted me at night was the dreaded two year we all had to serve. People being killed more in bases than in operations. There was no way out. We had to face it. Troepie Train, Hair Cut, Basics, Opfok's, Vasbyt, 7 Days, Border, 21 Days, Dear Johny and fear.

The worst part is that metallic taste of fear you have to live with. That bit that you experience just before you piss in your pants. That fear.

We did it for the people at home. Those who are defenceless against the Mighty Red Russian Army and those who's Leaders chose not to be part of the white man's mess.

To back the fear we made oaths. Binding to our Creator. Not the peace loving Jesus that blessed all men good or evil, but the Big Man that you ow your soul to. The one that will see you through till the end or take your life when it's due.

Many innocent blood was spilled, but none as innocent as those who lived in fear of their own. Being burned to death by tyres. Or being abducted by a Geshtapo like alien force that feeds on the fear of a living hell.

The human that inflected that hell on his own people was not Nelson Mandela who rot in a white jail, nor The legacy of H.F. Verwoerd that did not live to bring his dream full cycle, but by current President Elect, Jacob Zuma.

Yes he run the trans border torture camps while Winnie was orchestrating the Necklaces in South Africa.

Over the years I believed all this was bullshit. We where brain washed and the Communist is actually our friend.

Then happened Gupta... up until this point in time I was very apologetic towards "Previously Disadvantaged". Gave up all my earthly belongings to pay my debt to them, but that was not enough.

Called a tyre naaier by my own people and an Apartheid Apologists by the other I could not find my place. Thanks to the EFF that exposed Zuma and Guptas plans to enslave us all and our children to Russia made me realise.

My Oath to God still stand. Till death I will protect the innocent. Wether they are great full or not. An Oath is an oath.

Problematic though... we don't own the military any more then one day a dude told me the fact that I don't understood White Privilege is because I am White Privilege. At the time it was an insult. I don't want to be hated by fellow South African's.

I want to be accepted so that my children can have a save and peaceful life in the country so proudly produced for us by the combined efforts of all our ancestors. Well here is my white Privileged at work. Thuck You very much Max Du Preez... I don't need to understand my fellow South Africans.

They have the right to understand me.

Why am I privileged.

Why am I compassionate.

Because Jacob Zuma is not. He has a team of evil men and woman, black, Asian and White who help him rape our future. The future that belongs to our children.

So from now on please don't see me as an Apartheid Apologists... for I am not. No Apartheid was because of the roads our Ancestors traveled to reach this point .

The only oppressors is the Cadre's of the ANC. They ruled with fear. Created Conflict and Abducted scared helpless people to torture them just to invoke fear.

These same people are indebting our country and taxing children not yet born.

My oath to God was for the innocent. Those who could not defend themselves. I will keep my oath dear Lord. I will fight for peace and prosperity of all South Africans.

May Our Combined Ancestral knowledge give us the wisdom to find common ground so we can feed and cloth our children.

By Petrus (Bierpens) Viviers

PS. Lady never call an old man that donated blood for your freedom... an Apartheid Apologists. But thank you for being the inspiration of my post.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

I_Victim a Collective Consciousness

Explaining the phrase I am a Victim
Derived from the movie title I Robot

When a collectiveness conforms amongst each other that the World has turned them into victims.

It is a serious condition because we are all exposed to the pressure of being deprived of our right of self preservation.
Manipulated and Dominated to win at all cost victory is only reserved for a privileged few.

In a race only one person can cross the finish line first. The fairness of the race is determined by a set of rules and social acceptance.

The first symptom is the urge to compete in the race
Available resources is not reviewed
Participation is a basic human right
So entry is a given

Second symptom
Is to object to one's own available resources
The utmost goal is to win the race

Third symptom
Blaming others for the lack of own resources

Join or Create a collectiveness that is sympathetical to the cause. Adjust the boundaries to include all possible mind frames. Irrespective of personal and combined objectives.

To Obtain this one needs a villain. With out a collective villain there is no single hero. The collectiveness will psych individuals up to mass hysteria and even use force and blood shed to create the villain.

Thus for Culture and Personal values is lost in the mass collectiveness that is fueled by hysteria.

This Mass Collectiveness creates new social norms void of cultures and social structure. Only the Hero and the Villain exist. They the only objective left. Praise the Hero Destroy the villain.

By Bierpens

Ps. It applies to Black Culture as well not only White's...

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

House of England deviding South Africa Across Racial lines

British is at it again
10 August 2016
One can never trust a Britt. From the time off Colonialism they have been deceitful and obnoxious.
80% Of South Africa property cannot be in white hands.
- The Government is democratic elected and most land is owned by Government.
- Large portions of land is under Conservation Authorities
- Many Thousands of Hectares is Tribal owned
- Thousands of Hectares are Informal Settlements
- Thousands of Hectares are state owned Forestry
- Whites may perhaps own 10% of total land mass
- Economy is under BEE control since 2004
Why The House of England is spreading these lies that only enflames racial tension is eluding all reason.
But the people of South Africa will not cave into to this invasion of our Democracy.
By Bierpens

White Privilege Black Myth

What is White Privilege
10 August 2016

The leader of  the Democratic Alliance made head lines this week with his aim that he has to reprimand his (white wife) of her White Privilege. The understanding is that for a white person to attend varsity is a given and for a black it is a mere dream.

Well that is generalisation at its best and should be considered as stereo typing which makes it a racial comment. Many White South African families has to choose between having supper or sending their children to school on a daily basis.

At school they have to endure the pier pressure of bullies. Looking into the lunch boxes of privileged children(today mostly black) and face the wrath of teachers (from their own white race) because of their inability to concentrate due to malnutrition.

What has this got to do with Vodacom's lack of managing the stop service. Plenty. In this article of The Times a furious black male is on his way to try and opt out of Subscription services.

Well let us just put this into a BEE driven Economy perspective. The ability of mobile phone service is an extreme luxury and seen as a white privilege. Yet Vodacom is a BEE compliant company.

One wonders if low income families is exploited by Big Major International Companies? Who they blame for this abuse. What is Vodacom going to do about this explicit exploitation.

White Privilege is way over rated.


Is South Africa a Democracy

an Afrikaner's View
10 Augustus 2016

Recent National Municipal Elections held on 03 August 2016 has proofed that The South African voter is mature enough to vote in a Democracy. Voter education is still needed because of the exclusion of Minority Parties voting numbers.

Some registered voters feel that they go with the flow because their votes is insignificant in the bigger picture regarding their needs. Under the South African Constitution this is not true. Every vote for any individual and party is relevant.

The ideal voter will not necessarily vote for Party Politics, but for the integrity and honesty of an individual. Party Politics plays a greater role in the bigger picture yes, but on regional politics the ability of an individual to serve the needs of a community is much more relevant than party politics.

Only when voters are educated in the importance of their input will we have a true Democracy.

Thanks to all South Africans for bringing Democracy a full circle in South Africa. Let us keep walking the right direction to leave a peaceful Heritage for our our Children.

Proudly White South African

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