Saturday, 1 August 2020

BUSH MECHANICS - The Original film

Travel & Information Directory

Die Manne Kan

Nee kyk ek het die nou geniet. Met 'n tikker wat stof poep het mens nie veel anders om te doen as om hinderlaag te le nie.. (Le laag en hinder niemand). Dinge moet nou eers bietjie self sien kom klaar in die tuin wereld daar buite. Vir nou soek ek bietjie giggel goedjies om my op te beur. 

Hierdie video is 'n stukkie juweel. Wat ingeneurs jare vat om te ontwikkel het met die oog op Buffels bymekaar maak het die manne ander oplossings voor. Van gras vir'n pap wiel tot wasdag dief vir brieke.. 

Ek het twee Facebook Vriende wat ek glo die baie sal geniet. Herrie Louw wat al dag aan 'n russies ou vrouens tienker en Bernard Van Zyl wat spoeg en spartel vir kwalifikasies om dit op die regte manier te doen. Bernard word Diesel Werltuigkundige en Herrie maak kakkerlakke dood in sy vrye tyd.. wel eintlik is dit sy neering en die LADA NIVA's sy stokperdjie.
Covid Groete

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Understanding - Back to Eden Garden



 This gentleman changed my view on life and helped me with 27 years of soil knowledge I could never bring to pass.
Need to watch ...

 The man is getting old and doesn't pay attention when answering some of the questions... watching loads of his videos one realize the importance of the answers to many of his questions.

 The Magic is in the layering ... the secret is how he started. The first layer was wood chips, then he realized it had no nutrients. From there on he sources his wood chips only from gardening/landscaping companies that include leaves and grass cuttings in the bulk of the wood shavings. he also top dress with chicken manure infused wood chips that he sources from his chicken husbandry ..

 The mulching prosses has been selectively tested by various gardeners .. one lady grows potatoes with only grass mulching that she sources from her neighbors.
The main advantage of the mulching is moisture retention. If Paul applies water it is merely in new beds when sowing seeds...

 His established areas doesn't need watering except what rain season provides...
Ruth Stealh also became world famous with her no till garden that is on based on basically the same principal.

 Many Gardeners has videos about growing from Ginger and Garlic in Hay or Straw Mulch to Potatoes.

 Understanding the Nutrient requirements of various produce can help build a Back To Eden Style Garden in less than one Growing Season.

 The Beauty of this Gardening Method is that the longer you do it the less labor intensive it becomes. Like an Retirement Annuity.
Looking at Viking, Roman and Scottish traditional growing methods ...

 This is absolutely genius method of gardening.

 Just some pointers on Container Gardening ..
 Bags .. not plastic do air pruning of Roots.
Grow discriminant Varieties
Grow only Annuals not perennials.

 For More information on Soil Farming and Raised Bed Gardening Please feel free to

Petrus Viviers
(+27) 0813427371

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

AfriForum en Saai Covid 19 Taakspan

Die burgerlike samelewing het ’n rol om te speel in hierdie noodsituasie en ons sal voortgaan met die uitvoering van hierdie rol, ongeag mense wat die verspreiding van voedsel wederregtelik wil sentraliseer.

Die AfriForum en Saai Covid 19 Taakspan in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand gaan volstoom voort om voedsel te versprei aan ons mense wat dit so nodig het in hierdie tyd. 

Ons het vandag meer as tien ton vars produkte by 20 tehuise in die Pretoria-omgewing afgelewer, ten spyte van beoogde regulasies wat die verspreiding van voedsel wil sentraliseer.

Hierdie inisiatief behels dat voedsel en noodsaaklike items aan behoeftige individue, gesinne en instansies soos onder meer kinderhuise, tehuise vir bejaardes en klinieke in gemeenskappe regoor die land versprei gaan word, veral in die huidige moeilike omstandighede waarin verskeie gemeenskappe hulleself bevind. 
Volgens AfriForum is daar geen regsbasis vir die regulasies wat nou moontlik wil bepaal dat die verspreiding van voedsel deur die regering gesentraliseer moet word nie.

Mense kan ook skenkings maak aan die Solidariteit Beweging se noodfonds om hierdie projek te ondersteun.
Rekeninghouer:        Solidariteit Helpende Hand
Bank:                          FNB
Rekeningnommer:    62 331 445 503
Tak:                            Centurion (takkode: 250 655)
Verwysing:                Korona
Swift-kode:                FIRN ZA JJ
Besoek en klik op die skakel vir maatskaplike hulp om aansoek te doen vir hulp.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

#Nazi101 - The ANC Must Fall

After NCC overplayed there hand with the power play of Cele and Dlamini-Zuma it is time if we reconsider the ANC as a vailble option to Govern Our Country.

Cyril Ramaphosa has steared two rapidly towards Communism and the Power house opposing him High Jacked the #Covid19 lockdown.

This was a terrible move by the ANC NEC and they lost all the motion towards Ubuntu and brought Unity to a halt. 

Dlamini-Zuma's retraction on The Presidential Announcement on Cigarettes and Tabaco Related Products was totally uncalled for and she played a Stupid hand to think she could out weigh Cyril Ramaphosa under The Greatest Pandemic to Hit man kind. 

Economically the Country is devistated. Pretty much the same as the rest of the World.

Cele's Militant Approach to Lockdown has far reaching consequences in The Trust Factor in SAPS and SANDF. He basically destroyed the little dignity the ANC had left after Jacob Zuma's Money Hongry Mob of nitwits robbed the Country's Previously Disadvantaged from their Spoils of Apartheid and entrapped it's Çhildren in Live Long Suffocating Debt for Generations to come.

Zuma sold off all the patents held by Denel to a Gupta owned Company effectively giving South Africa's Blue Print To Nuclear Power to the Middel East.

But in these patents was also various once off development of Weapons, Solar Energy, Bio Chemistry and many more.

What will happen in the future is still unclear, but Ramaphosa made his Rubicon Speech leading South Africa into Socialism on 19 April 2020.

Was a sad day for All South African Children who now will never taste the Freedom Nelson Mandela Fought for

By Petrus Viviers

5G - Vodacom's Demise

There is going to be a drastic increase in Lung Related infections and Asmatic related diseases.


Begs the question if Cable Thieves has Hazmat Suites?

Mean look at all the backup power it will need during Eskom Shedding.

Wonder how much copper in each one? 
Does it run on copper? 
Is there scrap value in Optic Fiber?


Future of Vodacom is now not an investment opportunity anymore. 

Like the tabaco industry someone will have to take the fall in the future because of harmful EMF Submissions.

In this case people will refer to this Blog to find the founding fathers of 5G in South Africa. It is clear that Vodacom and ICASA ignored all previous Scientific Studies on harmful EMF above 3.5Mhz.

Hopefully my Children and Grandchildren would have been spared the pain and suffering.

I taught my boys well about the harmful Radiation but currently they are calling me a conspiracy theorists. No just well versed in Electromagnetic Energy since a very young age.

Another Day in Lockdown

Good Morning 

This Lockdown is becoming a menace all over the World. India hardest hit with Fake PPE. 

I think it's time test my strengths. Maybe a walk within the 5km Radius won't be to bad start. 

Gardening seems off the Todo list and still awaiting reports on The Court Case for The Sale of Tabaco and related products.

Wife is running out of This Toxic stimulation and don't know if my personal safety would be comfortable if this does happen.

Well all be strong now and please try and bring the Panic factor down from 20 to 10 so we can discuss this like adults.


Australia lost almost a million jobs since mid-March - ABS
Australia may have lost almost a million jobs between mid-March and mid-April as large chunks of the economy shut down in the fight against the coronavirus, foreshadowing a steep spike in the unemployment rate.

Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics out on Tuesday showed jobs recorded by the Australian Taxation Office payrolls system fell 7.5% between the week ended March 14 and that ended April 18, implying a drop of around 975,000.


Friday, 1 May 2020

Lockdown Unconstitutional

At least someone has our backs and they have got this whole fiasco so right its scary. 


Thembinkosi Luthuli (B.Iuris, LL.😎 (UDW)
(An Attorney with the Rights of Appearance Doone house, Suite 403
In the High & Constitutional Courts) 379 Smith Street
Tel: (031) 304 7043
Cell: 078 714 2595
28th April 2020
Attention: - The Office of the President
Cyril Ramaphosa
Spokesperson to the Office of the President
Khuselo Diko
The Minister of Health
Zweli Mkhize
1. We have been instructed to advise your office that there are matters of serious & grave concern by the recent acts of the Office of the President and the Cabinet of 28 Ministers mandated to make those acts and omissions and which require accountability for these decisions taken: in particular the draconian lockdown which commenced on the 27th March 2020 and will continue on the 1st May 2020.
2. We act for and/on behalf of the The National Peace Commission – and that represents a wide sector of Civil Society including the Christian Community and other religious and traditional leaders. This includes the Business Chambers and Corporate Sector – and most importantly those in the rural and wider community including informal Sector – and those living in the informal settlements that have been negatively affected by the decisions taken by the present Government and Cabinet Ministers.
3. We have further instructed to advise your office that The National Peace Accord has been in place for some time since 2015 and was established to also build a social: cultural and racial cohesion in South Africa for the purposes of accountability and transparency on the part of all public servants. This is to ensure that the law and order is enforced and maintained and that the Rule of Law is obeyed by all public servants and this is also in line with The Batho Pele Principles for service delivery.
4. The Batho Pele Peace Accord was compiled out of an essential need for responsibility to be taken for the poor judgement calls and any acts and omissions that have led to the present and current humanitarian crisis: and include: Junk Status: the Economic Recession: and the lack of those interventions that would provide Economic Certainty: Political Stability: Investor Confidence: and also the essential Socio-Economic Growth and Development as promised in the 2019 and a 2020 State of the Nation Address by the Office of the President and all Offices of the Premiers.
5. We have been instructed to advise your office that The National Peace Commission and The Batho Pele Peace Accord is the result of more than 26 years of meticulous research: careful planning and essential patient preparation and that it is needs and purpose driven. It has taken into mind-full consideration the social: economic and political issues - that have led to this recent state of events leading to the Military Lockdown - and a Declaration of the National Disaster as a result of this health issue.
6. The State of Emergency at a global level has raised serious concern - as the direct result of a number of factors that require necessary clarity and transparency and most importantly accountability for the reasons those decisions were taken by the office of the President and the Cabinet of 28 Ministers mandated to lead and manage all of the affairs of this country. The Minister of Health in particular is respectfully requested to provide the reasons and justification for an extreme national programme of safety and security - when this was clearly a medical crisis AND NOT THE DEPLOYMENT OF THE MILITARY OR THE IMPOSITION OF A POLICE STATE. Further the state has imposed regulations that would normally be imposed under a state of emergency and NOT a state of disaster.
7. We have been instructed to also respectfully advise your office that a Museum of Truth and a Library of Evidence has been compiled to fully support this request for Batho Pele Principles of Accountability and that Transparency and The Code of Conduct: Rules of Engagement: and these Terms and Conditions will be adhered to in a respectful manner that also demands equal respect and compliance from the Office of the President.
8. The Military Lockdown and extreme measures taken by the office of the President and the Cabinet of 28 Ministers has raised concerns and this legal intervention action taken by The National Peace Commission is motivated by the recent public statement made by Surgeon General of the United States of America in April 2020 regarding the World Health Organisation – as well as Dr Fauci and the Centre for Disease Control. These entities and all other interest groups are also being held totally accountable and responsible for their questionable acts - and omissions.
9. We have been instructed to respectfully advise your office that extensive research has had a positive outcome in being able to understand that there is clearly a conflict of interest and a conflict in opinion on this Covid 19 Virus that requires investigation and responsible action on the part of all governments and more especially the Office of a President of South Africa.
10. The Terms of Reference that The National Peace Commission has relied on are all sourced as evidence provided by Dr Tasuka Honjo – a Japanese Professor of Physiology - and effective medical practioner. Others also include:
Dr Shiva Ayyudarai:
Dr Judy Miskovits:
Dr Rashid Buttar:
Dr Sherri Tenpenny:
Dr Lipton:
Dr Andrew Kaufman:
Dr Dana Ashley: as well as Captains of Industry: mind leaders in the area
: and those who have been negatively affected by government actions.
Professor Knut Wittkowski, for twenty years as head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and the Research Design, says that lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.
Dr John P.A. Ioannidis is a professor of medicine and also professor of epidemiology and population health, as well as professor by courtesy of biomedical data science at the Stanford University School of Medicine, and professor by Courtesy of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences: currently a co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Centre at Stanford (METRICS) at Stanford University. He has suggested that the lockdown actually causes much more severe ailments (both physical and psychological).
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a senior fellow at both the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute. He states that the figures have been manipulated and that the lockdown prolongs the stay of the ‘virus’ in the community Professor Johan Giesecke, is also one of the world’s most senior of all epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders
Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and also an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks: - “UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based - The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only - This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product” - The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better - The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact - The paper was very much too pessimistic - Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway - The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown - The results will eventually be similar for all countries - Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people. - The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1% - At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available”
11. We advise your office of the President that there is an ever-increasing speculation over the origins and motives for the Military Lockdown that are NOT in the best interests of the country: and the people: and their future needs to be clarified and it is the perfect opportunity for both the President and the Cabinet of 28 to cooperate in that spirit of Ubuntu – Respect Others – and Batho Pele – People First. In this spirit of respect it is the 11 Batho Pele Principles that will be invoked to ensure collaborative cooperation in this.
12. The Terms of Reference regarding this accountability will be based on The Constitution: The Bill of Rights and The Batho Pele Principles that were all initially compiled and provided by the State in November 1997:
1. Consultation: and clearly provides for public servants to be instructed on issues.
2. Service Standards: that clearly insists that all service promises be kept and that these public commitments to service excellence be provided.
3. Access to Information: that clearly insists that access to public servants is mandatory and that they ‘must’ be available to provide information.
4. Courtesy and Respect: that clearly demonstrates ‘insensitivity’ will not be tolerated: and that respect be shown for all members of civil society.
5. Information Disclosure: that clearly insists full details and all particulars of the required and desired information be provided on that demand.
6. Transparency - and Openness: that clearly states all Administration is an Open Book. This is self-explanatory and it includes all areas governance.
7. Redress - and that Accountability: that clearly insists that positive and immediate action be taken to address the concerns raised by the public.
8. Value for Money – and Austerity: that clearly states finances are used ‘responsibly’: and that the misuse: wastage: or loss is to be accounted.
The Batho Pele Principles have Three (3) more important elements to complete compliance:
1. Encouraging Innovation and Rewarding Excellence: It is the solemn duty and their sole responsibility and moral imperative to improve the service delivery: raise standards: and maintain this excellence in all Organs of State: State-Owned Enterprises and all of the 234 Municipalities in the 9 Provinces of South Africa. This is also public service and the excellence.
2. Service Delivery Impact - and that Service Excellence: It is these Batho Pele Values or Principles that are the foundation and corner stone of all public service and these in fact provide the guidelines for infrastructure and service delivery that ensures that quality of life and the standard of daily living that is all required for an orderly - and also a healthy society.
3. Leadership Strategy and also that Strategic Direction: It is the ethical leadership and moral management in the country that determines the success or failure in our society and the leadership also has the solemn responsibility to create the right environment and an infrastructure that not only encourages innovation - but also empowers all people to plan: and then work together to achieve all of those common goals in a user-friendly manner – and that relies on collaborative cooperation between the public and private sector. Collaborative cooperation is all essential.
13. The Batho Pele Principles in The Peace Accord are the Code of Conduct that the Office of the President and the Cabinet of 28 must familiarise themselves with when responding to this in the spirit of respect and a willingness to cooperate at every single level of Government and also in all the areas of Municipal Management. The Government compiled this.
14. The National Peace Commission is also comprised of leadership that is determined to seek Truth: Justice: Righteousness and Restorative Justice for those many acts and omissions in Three (3) specific areas of primary concern. These are relevant and possibly in many ways related; as these decisions taken and all acts and omissions have involved both an Office of the President and also the Cabinet of 28 Ministers in the wide range of portfolios. Transparency and accountability is required in these areas:
1. The Zondo Commission – The past delays in providing the Summary of Findings and also all recommendations for investigation: prosecutions: and restorative justice has not been acceptable - and the cost of R380 million has not been warranted - or justified when based on an inability to ‘prosecute’ a single person in more than 18 months defies all logic.
2. The Anti-Corruption Tribunal - The delays in providing the Summary of Findings in this Presidential Appointment has not been acceptable - and not many members of Civil Society have been appointed as an essential Oversight Committee despite only 18 of the 234 Municipalities having clean audits - for the 2019 and 2020 period of audits. This is essential.
3. The Military Lockdown and COVID 19 – The delays in providing all the Summary of Findings regarding the severity of this Health Hazard in relation to the negative and destructive impact this has had on the mainstream economy and the lives of those in desperate need of food security and poverty relief. This devastation is yet to be assessed and quantified and we have witnessed a Humanitarian Crisis and Ecological Disaster that has been initiated by the Office of the President - and a Cabinet of 28. The justification for this extreme action is questionable.
15. We have been instructed by The National Peace Commission to place on public record that this Submission has been made in the best interests of the economy: people of this country: and also an entire nation in 2020.
16. The National Peace Commission and also the concerned interest groups respectfully request the following information and cognisance is taken of
the need to apply The Batho Pele – People First – Principles when also responding to these questions that can no longer be ignored and it is the foundation upon which other questions will be brought to the Office of the President - and the Cabinet of 28 Ministers. These questions are in relation to the decisions taken and are specific to the Military Lockdown:
1. On the basis of only 60 reported cases a National Disaster was declared - when there is more evidence that for more than 5 years more than 60 murders a day were reported in South Africa and according to all these Government Statistics provided by that Census. This was not a priority.
2. On the basis of only 60 deaths after more than 5 weeks of this Military Lockdown and an undeniable and an unprecedented destruction of the mainstream economy, the informal sector and all informal settlements have been allowed to continue trading in addition to the taxi industry.
3. On the basis of more than 56 000 reported deaths from Tuberculosis in 2019 and more than 18 000 deaths from influenza in the same period, the schools and also all the churches: mosques: temples - and places of religious worship were never closed. The Military Lockdown is extreme.
4. On the basis of more than 60 murders a day and with South Africa being the number one crime: murder: drug: rape and also human rights abuse capital of the world and second only to Mexico, the shopping malls: and all food supply chain centres were not ever closed. Lockdown is extreme.
5. On the basis of a global rating of Junk Status: Economic Recession: and an increasing crime: grime and inner city decay and also unemployment: urban migration and zero socio-economic growth and development the mainstream economy is the last bastion of hope. Lockdown is extreme.
6. On the basis of more than 550 informal settlements in Kwa Zulu-Natal alone and increasing poverty and pollution and need for food security and poverty relief – it is a decision that defies all basic logic or common sense or common decency to close essential areas of economic growth.
7. On the basis of these findings and other global: national and provincial research the conclusion has been reached that there are other reasons for taking these actions – as there seems to be no logical, or justifiable reasons, for imposing these closures. The need for transparency cannot be denied and the desperate need for accountability cannot be ignored.
17. We seek explanations to these concerns and the Office of the President and the Cabinet of 28 Ministers are all respectfully requested to provide full disclosure and accountability to the people of South Africa as soon as possible and in compliance with not only The Constitution: The Bill of Rights and The Batho Pele Principles but with attention to detail and in respect of the duty of every single public servant to comply with these legitimate requests. It is a duty: responsibility - and a moral imperative.
18. The National Peace Commission immediately requests that it be also provided with the information and Summary of Findings on these THREE (3) main issues. The essential references will also be provided to support this.
19. Our clients will seek the necessary relief in declaring the present 2020 lockdown as unconstitutional and will seek the necessary relief and will approach the Higher & Constitutional Court IN DECLARING THE PRESENT LOCKDOWN PROCEDURALLY IRREGULAR IN TERMS OF THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT AS WELL AS ALSO BEING ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
20. We request that you kindly revert to us as a matter of extreme urgency."At least someone has our backs and they have got this whole fiasco so right its scary. 


Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Cyril is Feeding us Peanuts


Bringing 500 Billion into perspective.

Gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period. Wikipedia

R700 000 Billion cash annual going through our hands.

R500 Billion is Roughly
R10 000.00 per person.

So let that sink in.

How do you feel now about shutting the Economy Down.

Food supply at anytime is 21 Days. Factory to Whare House to Consumer about 90 Days.

We don't go and make food you go to shop you find fokkol to buy.


Up until March 2020 every one sourced their own food.

April Every One Bought Food.

So we finish 21 days food now about in 10 days.

Still take Lockdown over Hunger?


Stoking Racial Fires

Read Here 


Now let's have a look who is peddling Fake News in South Africa. 

Richard Branson British Billionaire are requesting Goverment Bale Out.

Billionaire Branson Asks For Government Money To Save Virgin Atlantic, Claims He ‘Did Not Leave Britain For Tax Reasons’
Published by Forbes 
20 April 2020

Why will this black Journalist writing for one of the major Business Publications in South Africa leave out this minor detail?

Why is this angle so important to me right now?

Let's hear from the Free Thinkers out there

Tik Tok Tik Tok...


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Boerseun 2.0


Afrikaanse weergawe van Survivor South Africa Two Point Zero


Boer Seun Twee punt Nul

In Suid-Afrika het die blanke man en vrou hulle goed gevat en kaalvoet met osse en waens oor die berg van die draak getrek.

Al wat ons hoef te doen is om buite die boks te dink deur rande en sente om te draai.

Op 19 April 2020 lewer Cyril Ramaphosa sy Rubicon Toespraak oor Suid Afrika se Ekonomiese weg vorentoe.

Hy sê in Suid Afrika gaan niemand ooit weer hoef te bekommer waar sy/haar volgende bord kos vandaan kom nie. 

Met n land waar 18 Miljoen mense van die hand na die mond gelewe het gaan dinge nou drasties moet verander.

Ek gaan nie eers vir julle die somme doen nie, maar ek gaan julle sommer die kort weergawe gee.

n R800 Biljoen Ekonomie word nie aanmekaar gehou met R3.5 Biljoen se aalmoese nie. Dit gaan harde werk kos. En nie daai tiepe wat mens Saterdae langs n braaivleis vuur doen met Brannas in die hand nie.

So ek het reeds so stampend my my Mikro Boerdery aan die gang geskop.

Dit skop af met 1Kg se Groen Spruite elke tien dae wat ek reeds verdubbel het na 1 Kg vars groen Spruite elke 5 dae en behoort binne die volgende 3 dae 1 Kg vars groen Spruite elke 3 dag af te haal.

Dit is omtrent waar my gesin se huishoudelike gebruik op n stadium was. 3Kg elke 9 dae.

Vandag het ek begin met uie. Moenie lag nie. Ek verstaan die ding vat 9 maande of so iets om te groei, maar dis nie n probleem nie.. ek gaan blykbaar baie tyd hê en heelwaarskynlik heelwat plek as ek so na my pot sisteme kyk.

Wat ek hier het is die boonste helfte van n half vrot ui.

Ek behandel die hele proses op my Youtube video.

Volg Skakel hier en stel die resolusie na gelang van jou data plan.


Bierpens Viviers

South Africa 2.0


This letter and News is all well and good, but the Mass Hysteria has pressed the reset button on Life as We know it.

We all woke up on 20 April 2020 to a new Economical Playing Field that we going to have to adapt to. You have no option.

Your narrative and view has no influence on the new direction you are forced to take.

State owned enterprises has now shifted from embarking on Saving SAA to Manufacturing and Producing.

The sooner you adapt the less painful this adaption will be.

Those who once where have nots are now on The Winning Side of Survival South Africa 2.0.

Criminals will be shot on sight. There will be no Law to Protect them. Law and Order resources will be tide up in protecting Goverment Institutions and Food Banks.

Welcome To Survive South Africa 2.0

Monday, 20 April 2020

Feeding Family for Profit Day 5

My Videos On Micro Farming


Sunflower Microgreens

Have this system dialed in again.

1.25 Cups of Seeds.

Soaked in water for 1 day. Drain water every 12 hours and rinse inbetween.

From Day 2 wash seeds every 6 hours and leave moist in Sprouting container. In Shaded area away from direct sunlight, but not completely dark.

Day 3 Spread out on top of growing media and place weighted tray on top for another 2 days. Water regularly.

Day 5 remove weighted tray en expose to sunlight. 60% seems to be enough. Water regularly. 

Day 6 through 9 keep watering regularly.

Day 10 Harvest.

Death of White Monopoly Capital


Have been warning against this since 1994 and these warnings are traceable on my Blogs aswell as on Facebook.

Use to Tag it on Blogs as


I feel sorry for the employees that about to loose their Jobs, but National lock down has got me cornered.

All we can do now is dump it.

The reason

Unions has to much Control over management.

Does it Bother Me

Yes I am sad that people are loosing their livelihoods. The less people. Employed the smaller my chances of reinventing myself, but we where all given a precious gift from God.

Called Free Will

The Employees was driven by their hate for white monopoly capital. Something only existing in the vocabulary of Union Reps.

Now that these Employees has exercised their right to free will life and economics driving it must take it's cause.

It's called Cause and Effect.

Whether you a Communist or a Socialist or Capitalist. The thing about productivity is simple. 

Work Hard and Prosper.

Even at your house you have to wash the dishes, make the bed live a reasonable sanitary lifestyle or you will fall ill and die. It is the way life evolved since men discovered fire.

It's all about quality of life vs life expectancy. The more you improve quality of live the longer your life expectancy becomes.

Same with any endeavour where you offer a service to the Public.

Well Guys

Welcome to the World of the unemployed. 

May the best person win.

I have never had a Union fending for me. It's always been about being productive.

So I guess we on equal level. Oh you have BEE behind you. Bet you I will still be self employed while you will be fighting over who is going to dig my Dustbin.


Government in Breach of Constitution


If we need to Trust the Government we need Bheki Cele to submit to The National Police Act of 1994 as amended.

If not it means our country is currently ruled outside the Constitutional Guidelines. Then we no longer a Constitutional Democracy.

So We need you to acknowledge Community Policing Forums and their Contribution to The Safety of Society.

This is basically a given and not Negotiable.

We have however a few things to negotiate before trust can be restored. 

1) BEE
2) Corruption
3) Political Hate Speech
4) Right to earn a living
5) Protection against Unions

Think many will add to the list.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Death by Coronavirus


In 2017 50 000 Graves where dug every month around South Africa.

That is 600 000 per year.

In South Africa our Health System is not setup in a way where Private Hospitals can Profit from the wrong treatment.

So we actually have a true reflection of The Deaths Related to Covid19.

Why is this Relevant

Because #Covid19 Panic is creating 18 Million people potentially exposed to Faminine while we are in Lockdown.

53 Actual Deaths to the so called Covid19 is then Relevant and has no impact on our annual death rate.

Extended Lockdown has compromised our Exposure in achieving Heard Immunity.

Esigiel 25 - Die Koms van Die Geel Nasie

Kyk Video


Esigiel 25

Vir baie jare Probeer ek vir mense sê dat hulle nie die Ou Testament kan verwyder, ignoreer of oorskryf nie.

Die Ou Testament is n boek van reëls en riglyne oor hoe ons moet en mag lewe.

Die moderne Christen kruip weg agter die feit dat niemand behalwe Jesus volmaak is nie en dat ons in Verlossing lewe en nie volgens Verbond nie.

Dis net hier waar ons begin begrip oor intregiteit verloor het.

As ons nie ons Verbond met ons Skepper kan onderhou nie val ons mens wees uitmekaar, want dan dra ons woord geen gewig of waarheid nie.

Hoekom is dit belangrik
In die Ou Testament word die val van Babel uit gespel. Die impak van Sodam en Gamora. Die waarde van Exodus 20 en die Geskiedenis van die Aarde en ons reg tot bestaan in Genesis.

So verduidelik die Ou Testament ons hoe om Interaksie met ander Volke, Gelowe en Kulture te hê. Hoe om hulle te los dat hulle Aanbid Wat God voor hulle gelê het.

Ons kies om alles te ignoreer want ons is Hubristies tot ons eiewaan om dit wat ons glo reg is en op ander af te dwing.

So vergeet ons gerieflikheidshalwe die Mag Van Die Beloftes en Ooreenkomste wat ons onder Gebed en Beloftes voor God vir ons n reg tot bestaan aan die Suider Punt van Afrika los gekoop en gewerk het.

As ons ons geskiedkundige ooreenkomste met Traditionele Leiers opskort gaan ons as n Ras/Geloof/Nasie nie die Chinese inval in Afrika oorleef nie.

En dan beweeg ons sonder God se beskerming in die fase in wat niemand oor wil praat nie en meestal al op opgegee het.

Hoop die maak sin vir die Regse Blanke Ekstremiste wat glad nie n idee het wie agter hulle Geloof herformulerings sit en hulle Manipuleer nie.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

President Cele - Death by Hunger


Dear President Cele

Can you and the Medical Experts advising Mr Ramaphosa please explain how this is saving lives.

According to National Statistics about 18 Million people are exposed to death by hunger.

Could you please hand back control of our once lovely but now Starving country to Mr Cyril Ramaphosa so that he can guide us through the mess you created by using wrong people to make tuff decisions.

Clearly you have no leadership abilities and your lack of empathy towards human suffering have been vocalised on various press releases.

We could have achieved heard Immunity if you allowed joggers, cyclist and dog walkers .. whom are actually fit and healthy people to work through exposure, infection and be the barrier between the virus and the vunrable.

Confiscating Fresh Produce and burning it is hardly show of force. Beating people to death greatly impact on their survival chances against the virus.

Since you are the last line of defence between people who are Starving and people who can actually help you preventing this are putting your arse on the line for becoming Public enemy number 1.

Let Us Get Serious

You'r effective efforts hampering us to feel safe greatly impact on your Constitutional Responsibility under The National Police Act and you keep on violating the National Police Act of 1994 as revised.

It's time we talk about you failing your responsibilities under the National Police Act.


Petrus Viviers

Friday, 17 April 2020

HungerGamesSA - Millatent Leadership

This is inhumane. Personally I would rather take my chances with the virus than with personal starvation.

If we can't feed these people at least twice a day. We can't keep them in Concentration Camps.

Humans don't operate that way. Only Slave traders. 

I am no Racist .. but the track record of the people backing the lock down is not pure and un blemished.

Lockdown - Health or Control?

Read Article

This begs the question whether this lockdown is about disease control or forcing fixes because of corruption theft from the poor and self-employment.

We are under Lockdown. Private Landlords are not allowed to evict tenants but the ANC can displace communities.

Die Handleiding tot Oorgawe


Lyk asof almal die boek as n handleiding gebruik tot selfvernietiging.


Sonder Tradisionele leiers wat ons Demokratiese Konstitusie beskerm behoort ons teen einde Junie ingelyf te wees by Kommunistiese China.

Trots op julle intregiteit. 

Hou so aan om ons voorsate se Traktate te verkrag en ontken.

Ope Brief aan Dawie Roodt


Ope Brief Aan Dawie Roodt

Dagsê Dawie

Ek wil dankie sê vir n baie insegewende artikel, maar jou armoede syfer strook glad nie met die realiteit nie.

Jy werk op n 1 vir 1 werksverlies ... Maar ongelukkig werk dit nie so in Suid Afrika nie en ek is jammer ek moet jou op jou fout uitwys.

Vir elke formele werksgeleentheid wat verloor word in Griekeland was daar dalk 4.5 mense beïnvloed. Dit is as dit nou gewone Europese gemiddelde sou volg wat ek twyfel.

Die Amptelike syfer volgens ons Nationale Statistieke word 12 mense beïnvloed vir elke formele werksgeleentheid wat verloor word. Dit alleen verhoog jou syfer na 120 000 moontlike meer sterftes as gevolg van armoede.

Dit wat jy heeltemal gemis het is die informele werkloosheid syfer as gevolg van toerisme. Ek dink daar is omtrent 3 miljoen direkte informele werksgeleenthede. 

Die Nationale Statistieke gee aan dat daar 16 mense afhanklik is van elke 1 informele werksgeleentheid in die toerismebedryf.

Dus word hier nou n hele klom mense by die syfer bygewerk. 

Die Nationale Statistieke sê daar word 18 Miljoen mense direk bevoordeel in die informele sektor agv die Toerismebedryf.

Dus word hier nou n hele klom mense by die syfer getel wat n drastiese impak van 18 miljoen meer mense op jou statistieke laai. Mense wat reeds deel maak van die groep wat nie 60 jaar oud word nie agv armoede.

So net die toemaak van Internasionale Toerisme vir 3 maande gaan 18 miljoen mense direk aan ongekende hongersnood bloot lê.

Niemand in die bedryf voorsien n herstel van die toerismebedryf in die volgende 18 maande nie.

Ek dink dus dis veilig om te sê ons sterftes agv van armoede gaan in die omgewing van 18 miljoen mense wees.

Ons weet dat volgens mediese feite mens nie maklik langer as 21 dae sonder kos kan gaan nie. Dus gaan die sterftes agv armoede ons binne die volgende 14 dae begin oorval.

Laat weet my waar het ek n fout in my beramings gemaak.


Petrus Viviers

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

False Prophets and 5G

Watch the Video.


In China a person is connected to their phones 100%. Medical, banking identification and communications.

So their phones have been their live line for many years.

China Closed their Economy for 4 months. All off a sudden people can't afford contract phones anymore and just dumped them.

With 5G facial recognition they have certain Internet access for Free and don't need expensive cellphones until they can afford them again

Today in China

You walk into the street and say Uber. No data charges. CCTV picks up your request 3 minutes later Uber arrive in your street and pick you up by facial recognition.

Takes you to your destination and you can pay by facial recognition or thumb print via Biometric Identification. We all know it by know. You can't fly, get an ID card or open a bank Account without being on the Biometric Data base.

You walk down the street in China on your way to McDonald's. You say McDonald's.. Double Cheese Burger.

As you walk into McDonald's the intercom announce your arrival and give you an update on your order.

You pay by Facial Recognition or Biometric identification.

This is the current Economy in China. Go and watch YouTube. Real Life activity. Not propaganda.

Now why the hell would a Chinamen that was without pay for 10 weeks plus still be bothered with an expensive cellphone.

But hey.. we like to call that.. Covid19 losses. You may be right. But not due to death.

Bringing Perspective to 5G

Why are our Schools Target

Currently we have lost over 30 Schools in Gauteng alone through Sabotage during the lock down period.

To create the artificial need for 5G data network. I call it artificial because 5G is connected to the Internet through Optical Fiber. South Africa has already have Optical Fiber Installed.

We don't need 5G data network to teach our children remotely. We can hardly afford 3G. Optic Fibre is cheap and Small Operators can own Optic Fiber connection and create Wi-Fi Hotspot as a Vendor. Job creation through Entrepreneurship.

So No we Don't Need 5G

To Chip or Not to Chip

Besides the Biblical guidelines..

Which most of us believe is relevant to The Beast .. Which we all attributed to Computers because of the numbering structure of barcoding.

Ask yourself the question.. Do we need it?

Now this answer is relevant, because the answer is no, but it doesn't stop The Beast, whom it has become clear to be personified by Bill Gates, to take over our World without the Chip in the form of facial recognition.

This is already done in China on the 5G Network.

The World's Network of Choice seemed to be Huawei. 

This is also relevant.. because in 2011 already Huawei built in Spyware into their root Software.

So if South Africa roles out 5G, irrespective of the Health threat, our privacy and safety is completely compromised by a country, wether they the Yellow Nation that we are warned about or not, that is well vested in Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution.

So let's put the Biblical implications about the chip aside.

The real threat here is 5G.

The Second Wave
The Quarantine in China is used to suppress the Populist Uprising against 5G.

Wether we believe 5G has Health and Privacy issues or not is irrelevant.

The Chinese Youth as rejected 5G.

Since 5G is already Active in China and already controlling their Economy..

We should take note about this uprise by Chinese Youth against 5G

5G in Africa
China has no preference on race colour or Culture when ot comes to manipulation of Economy. (Economical Enslavement)

Most Black People attributes Slavery to White People. Which is actually not accurate. Slavery was driven by the Assyrian Empire's presence in Africa.

In South Africa we where adversely affected by The Gupta Empire.

Now we facing Chinese Dominance.

We have to once more pull together as a Nation irrespective of Racial and Cultural Differences if we want to avoid sacrificing our Freedom.

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