Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Another Day in Lockdown

Good Morning 

This Lockdown is becoming a menace all over the World. India hardest hit with Fake PPE. 

I think it's time test my strengths. Maybe a walk within the 5km Radius won't be to bad start. 

Gardening seems off the Todo list and still awaiting reports on The Court Case for The Sale of Tabaco and related products.

Wife is running out of This Toxic stimulation and don't know if my personal safety would be comfortable if this does happen.

Well all be strong now and please try and bring the Panic factor down from 20 to 10 so we can discuss this like adults.


Australia lost almost a million jobs since mid-March - ABS
Australia may have lost almost a million jobs between mid-March and mid-April as large chunks of the economy shut down in the fight against the coronavirus, foreshadowing a steep spike in the unemployment rate.

Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics out on Tuesday showed jobs recorded by the Australian Taxation Office payrolls system fell 7.5% between the week ended March 14 and that ended April 18, implying a drop of around 975,000.


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