Op Die Plaas
On The Farm
Bierpens is a BEE disenfranchised White Male Fighting for Survival in a Post Apartheid Democracy. Take a walk with me through the confusion of Tribalism, White Privilege and Previously Disadvantage Maize of Populism.
Die is nie 'n oorlog wat ons voor gewens het nie, maar enige politieke ontleder kon dit voorspel dus rus die las van die krisis vierkantig op die skouers van FW De Klerk en Roelf Meyer. Die vyand is onbekend want daar is so baie biljoeners wat graag skaak speel met mense se lewens en populasie beheer en kos voorrade voorhou dat ons nie sal weet wie werklik agter Julius Malema se lafaard politiek skuil nie.
Vanoggend probeer ek 'n gebed skryf. Ek is nie 'n prediker nie en ook nie 'n gesalfde nie. So die beste wat ek mee kan opkom
"Hemelse Vader in U naam vra ons wysheid en verdraagsaamheid in die tye van nood waar ons voor 'n onbekende vyand staan."
Ek glo in die krag van gebed. Ek glo waar twee of meer persone bymekaar kom in Sy Naam is Die Skepper teenwoordig.
Ek glo dat as ons haat(rasse) afsweer sal Hy ons die pad wys.
Ek glo nie haat spraak is 'n oorlog mondering nie.
Ek weet ek sal my bloed skenk om enige aanslag teen die Blanke Volk af te weer.
So al wat ek Hom kan vra is vir wysheid en verdraagsaamheid ...
Die res het ek reeds voor opleiding ontvang en sal ek dit so gebruik na die beste van my vermoeë.
Hier is Herrie se voorstel. Jou woorde is mooi en edel dankie Herrie ...
Herrie LouwHier staan ons voor die Heilige God van hemel en aarde om 'n gelofte aan Hom te doen, dat, as Hy ons sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as 'n dankdag soos 'n Sabbat sal deurbring; en dat ons 'n huis tot Sy eer sal oprig waar dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin moet deel tot nagedagtenis ook vir die opkomende geslagte. Want die eer van Sy naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en die eer van oorwinning aan Hom te gee.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.
Now Listen Properly
| Eskom | Nuclear | PRASA | SANRAL | SASSA |
Jacob Zuma received training in the former USSR during the Apartheid years. (He received no formal schooling). Here was trained in advance torture techniques. Zuma is a well trained communist. Other than Zulu, he speaks French, Russia, Portuguese Swahili and Xhosa fluently."Read more:
Today Zuma is know to work hard with the Guptas and several of his hand picked ministers have close ties to the Guptas. This is all well documented in "The State Capture Report". This means very little to the angry mob psyched up by Julius Malema. They only want land. Land they can do very little with and as a collective only sell it to Monsanto.
"Since 1997, the South African government has been involved in a public/private partnership
involving cotton farmers from the Makhathini Flats in Northern KwaZulu Natal. Farmers in the area
have been provided with irrigation, infrastructure, subsidised inputs, and a guaranteed market for
their harvest by the local government and Vunisa Cotton (which worked closely with MonsantoSouth Africa). Vunisa Cotton Company now longer exists and has been driven out of business by
the Makhathini cotton company."
With out being racist, but for a black person to think that they will own farms expropriated from white people is another promise now driven by ANC and EFF that will not be realised. This drive for land crab does not have the best interest of the black and white South Africa future at heart. This is a drive for multi billion rand companies to own our land and our food source. The ultimate enslavement. Our Children won't have the right to plant food or own it after Julius Malema has realised this insane dream of him.
No one says a black man can't farm. We just saying most South Africans are farmers at heart. Some are slave traders. Let us not hand over owners ship of our children's future to slave traders.
Project Work is a self sustainable initiative driven by self motivated people. Project Work encourages people to be determined to stay focused in finding a suitable and sustainable employment for individuals, Project Work encourages the youth to get a routine and stay in the routine until the right job comes along to fit their aptitude. Work is not always gracious, but it always needs to be done. It keeps the gears of society lubricated and society functional.
Society is a socialistic structure invaded by Capitalism. Until each person finds his/her individualism there is safety and security in collectives. Socialism is a structure with in Capitalism that harbours people and act as a safety net. People are not failures. They merely products of circumstances. Only when that is changed will a person find hie/her foothold in society. With Project work we help with community gardens as a base skills development, not as much as a employment but more as a programme to keep people focused and disciplined to routine.
The ultimate goal is for collectives to produce/manufacture enough to sustain the community and help pay for schooling and education.
By donating to project work you contribute to the greater collectivises and this place in cyber spaces is a gateway to help distribute contributions so these projects can commence.
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